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Category: Gift Deed

Aug 23
Stamp Duty: What are its Rates & Charges on Property?

The government levies a compulsory tax on the transfer of rights in a property, known as ‘stamp duty’. We examine how it is calculated and ways to save money on this tax amount The government levies a tax when there is a transaction of property (i.e., when a property changes hands, from the seller to the buyer). This tax is known as ‘stamp duty’. It is levied on residential and commercial property transactions, as well as freehold or leasehold properties. Stamp duty is levied by states and therefore, the rate varies…

Aug 22
Important points to consider, while making a will

While bequeathing an immovable property through a will, a testator should clearly specify the share of each person to the exclusion of others, in order to avoid disputes Proper succession planning is very important to ensure that the assets owned by you, including any house property, are properly inherited by the people to whom you want these to be passed on to. With respect to property owned in housing societies, it is generally believed that making a nomination will ensure that the property will pass on to the person who is…

Aug 17
Can parents take back property gifted to their children?

A gift of a property that is valid and accepted by a donee, cannot be revoked by the donor, except under certain special circumstances. We look at the cases where revocation is possible With many children opting to migrate out of India for employment and the gradual disappearance of the joint family system, parents with limited means may find it difficult to make ends meet, in case their children do not support them. Often, many parents also transfer their properties to their children due to various reasons. After the property is…

Aug 17
Stamp duty and tax on gift deed of Property

While a gift of house property does not involve monetary consideration, it needs to be registered and taxes should be paid in certain cases Gifting is an act, through which a person voluntarily transfers certain rights in an asset to another person, without any consideration. Gifting of house property has a certain income tax and stamp duty implications. Legal requirements for the gift of property As per the Transfer of Property Act, the transfer of a house property under a gift has to be effected by a registered instrument/document, signed by…

Aug 17
Gift deed or a will: Which is a better option to transfer property

Properties can be transferred to someone you love, without any consideration, by way of a gift or through a will. We examine the pros and cons of each method Transfer of property by way of gift If you wish to transfer property, so as to make the donee enjoy the property immediately, this can be done by way of a gift. You can gift a self-acquired property to anyone, as long as you are competent to contract, as per the provisions of the Indian Contract Act. Any person who is of…